Friday, October 12, 2012


What we did most of the time in Xi'an was strolling around in the Muslim quartier. The food here was amazing: Not only one could see different dishes on display, but walking on these narrow lanes also gives a full demonstration of the cooking! Now we know how to make rice noodle as well as wheat noodles.

Crayfish are also popular, like in Sweden in the summer! But I did not dare to try them this time.

All kinds of BBQ-sticks

In these quarters women were wearing a particular kind of headgear. The pots were very big and a lot of steam came out, giving it a bit of surreal feeling.

At the end we decided to try the local noodles. They are served cold, in spices we did not quite recognize from before. This was probably the first time we were not too happy with the Chinese food, while in general food has been one of the best discoveries along this journey, something which deserves a post on its own.

We also tried the local dumplings filled with vegetables; they were steamed in a bamboo basket. Very yummy in my tummy. 

We decided to hit the street for some dessert and we found this stall. It was hard to guess what it was, so we just tried it. The saleswoman opened the round little wooden pot, took out a cluster of jelly rice, and dipped in the different toppings: Sesamsseads, fruit jelly etc. The taste? Judge from the face!.

We also visited the great mosque, one of the oldest in China. It was built in traditional Chinese styles of courtyards. Here is the main prayer hall.

And this is the minaret. Quite different from what we are used to, isn't it?

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