Thursday, October 4, 2012


We just woke up in a beautiful Chinese courtyard in Pingyao, China's best preserved ancient walled town. It is amazingly cute and charming, full of red lanterns hanging in the alleyways, and temples for different worships.

Yesterday morning we ran in to this salesman:

We just had to try his product, which tasted like a mixture of popcorn and peanuts, but the shape was the best part :).

After two months of traveling it was certainly time for a haircut, well. Lacking in language, we resorted to choose a hairdresser with a cool haircut himself and just pointed at his head :)

We walked the city wall, which turned out to be the only place not filled with the crowds of Chinese tourists. The fact is that this is the week of the national holiday, making every touristy destination (and the way to get there) full of people. In fact, the whole concept of "crowded" gets to a different level here in China as to what we were used to in Europe... We are looking forward to next week!

Nice pet :)

Dinner time is approaching: Checking the various "baozi" (steamed stuffed bun, sort of steamed dumplings) stalls out on the street.

Very tired after a whole day walking

The bell tower of Pingyao by night.

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